4 Steps for Planning a New Wardrobe


Every once in a while, you’ll realize you have way too many clothes. So begins the sorting: pulling out bags of clothing that you can’t even remember buying, trying to think what was in your head when you picked all this stuff up. Soon there’s a pile of clothes for the charity shop as tall as you, and you wonder how much money you spent on things you wore once, twice – or never at all!

Let’s face it; impulse shopping is so satisfying, but our purchases add up to a messy closet and overstuffed drawers. Once you’ve cleared the closet out, you’ll go straight for your favorite store. But first: think about how you can shop with longevity in mind – that starts with the following four steps for planning your new wardrobe.

1) A 3-Course Outfit

The first thing to do is to remember that you plan the main course before the starters and the dessert. Make the bits and pieces work around the main event. In general, this is your top or a dress, although a gorgeous skirt or stunning pair of trousers can also take pride of place.

The point is, start with the thing that’s got the ‘wow’ factor. You want everything else to bring attention to this and complement it perfectly, so shop in that order.

2) ‘This Would Probably Work With…’

So you’ve found a beautiful top and you’re in the dressing room, and you’re sure that you’ve got a skirt back at home that this would work with. Definitely – probably – maybe? It doesn’t quite go with what you’re wearing now, but that’s no problem because you must have something that would work, right?

Hours later, you get home and you try on that skirt, and there’s something not quite right. It’s fine, you’ll remember to return the top in a few days. Or go on another trip and find another skirt.

This is how you fill a wardrobe with mismatched bits and pieces! Shopping for complete outfits means that you know exactly how you want yourself to look from the word go. Once you’ve found your centerpiece item, you’ve got a great reason to keep shopping, so take it! You might be able to mix and match other things later, but make sure you’ve got at least one perfect match by creating a look in one trip.

3) Try Something New

So many gorgeous clothes end up as cupboard-filler because we bought them as bold, exciting one-offs. If you’re buying something that’s a little more daring than your usual fare, let your imagination go wild and suit the rest of the outfit to that look. You don’t bring an outfit to life by pairing a dazzling top with the jeans you wear to go grocery shopping, even if they are familiar and comfy.

The more you reinvent yourself, the more comfortable you’ll feel in styles you didn’t realize suited you – and you’ll wear those new looks with so much more confidence. Embrace change and express yourself through your outfits.

4) Fine-Tuning

The fun doesn’t have to stop there. Once you’re kitted out head-to-toe in a stunning new outfit, it’s time to think about makeup. Trying new styles of makeup is amazing fun and can really top off a fresh look. Finish off your journey by shopping at Milk Makeup and dreaming up the perfect way to complete your outfit.

Bottom Line

Planning your wardrobe like this will actually cut down on the amount of items you take home. You’ll have more looks that actually go together as well as shelf space for the future.


How to Build a Functional and Fashionable Wardrobe
