5 Simple DIY Fashion and Beauty Tips


Beauty and fashion are two words that no woman wants to miss out on throughout her life. It is with these two elements that we maintain ourselves and our appeal. Every girl wishes to look her best in whatever she wears. In today’s article we’ve discussed, 5 simple, yet random DIY fashion and beauty tips you will love. If you are a big fan of DIY beauty tips then be sure to take a look at Circcell.

1.      Homemade Strawberry Mask

Don’t you just want to hide under a rock when you see a zit on your face in the mirror? Acne can be a big struggle, especially if you’re a teenager. There are plenty of cleaners on the market that promise to give you clean and clear skin, but why invest money on a product that is replete with chemicals you haven’t heard of? We suggest you make a simple and easy strawberry face mask at home to tackle acne. All you need to do is mash 2 to 3 strawberries in a bowl, add one spoon of honey, and apply that to your face for 2 minutes. Then simply wash it off your face with tepid water.

2.      Make Your Own Deodorant

You may not know how many things are wrong about deodorants. For one, they kill the good bacteria in your armpits. Furthermore, the parabens found in deodorant can interfere with the production of hormones like estrogen. And aluminum in deodorant disrupts gene stability which can result in cancerous growths in the breasts. With all these risks, why not make a deodorant of your own at home? It’s simple and cheap. Simply take ¼ cup of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of cornstarch, 1 tablespoon of baking soda and mix the ingredients. You can add essential oil if you like. You can store this in a container with a tight lid.

3.      Make That Smile Shine

No one likes to have stained or yellow teeth. One of the biggest signs that you care for yourself and look after your hygiene is clean and healthy teeth. The beauty industry has launched many tools and even toothpaste that promise sparkling teeth. But did you know that you can get a crystal smile right at home? Why spend money when you’re on a low budget? All you need is one teaspoon of baking soda and two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide. Mix that well with your toothpaste and apply onto your teeth. Please be apprised that this paste is very potent and can erode the tooth enamel if used too often.

4.      No More Sweat Stains

Are you sick and tired of buying nice bright shirts, especially white ones, to notice sweat stains after a period of time despite having washed them? After a few months, you can’t wear them because you’d be too embarrassed in public. But we have a solution to this problem; two in fact. First, invert your shirt and place a panty liner on each of the sleeves where your armpit will rest. These panty liners will absorb the sweat. Second, take one cup of vinegar, ½ cup of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of salt and one of hydrogen peroxide. Mix the ingredients and pour them onto the stained area of the shirt. Let this sit for 20 minutes then wash the shirt.

5.      Don’t Show that Bra Strap

For those of us girls who are heavy at the top and need to wear a bra with pretty much anything, this is a tip for you. It’s a constant nuisance when you have to keep putting your bra strap underneath the strap of your dress or a tank top. Well, now you don’t have to worry about this anymore because we know how to solve this problem. Take the garment for which you want to hide your bra strap. Then, take ¼ wide ribbon and sew one end of it on the inside of the garment on the straps. Next, sew in a sew-in-snap button on one end of the ribbon and one on the inside of the garment of each strap. Voila! Now you can keep the bra strap secure in this loop.

We don’t always have to have expensive products to look our best.


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