What is Fat Freezing? Can it Work for You?


Do you have stubborn areas of fat on your thighs, abdomen, below your buttocks or on your upper arms or flank? Working out and maintaining a good diet and lifestyle can help you to shape your body into a fit and healthy shape. Even the fittest off individuals can have areas on their bodies that simply don’t respond to even targeted workout programs.

Fat freezing, also known as CoolSculpting, can help to target that fat, freeze it and see it eliminated from your frame and your body.

But just what is fat freezing? Are you a good candidate for this treatment?

The basics of CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is a non-invasive treatment that targets stubborn pockets of fat that simply don’t respond to diet and exercise. During the procedure, an applicator is adhered to the area being treated. There is often a light suction feeling as the applicator is set in place. It then goes to work freezing the fat cells. Fat cells are particularly sensitive to cold, and will break down when frozen. They will then be naturally removed by the body.

The fat cells that are destroyed are then permanently gone, leaving behind the toned and contoured look that you have been working so hard to achieve.

What’s the different between CoolSculpting and liposuction?

According to fat freezing FAQs that cover each of the benefits of the treatment, there are two key differences between CoolSculpting and liposuction. CoolSculpting is a non-invasive procedure, whereas liposuction is considered to be an invasive surgical procedure. Liposuction can provide patients with almost immediately noticeable results, whereas the results of CoolSculpting can take up to six months to be fully noticeable.

CoolSculpting is a great option for those who are looking for non-surgical solutions to target and eliminate fat on their body, under their chin and the jawline.

Are you a good candidate for fat freezing?

Not every individual is going to be a good candidate for the CoolSculpting procedure. The ideal candidate is a man or a woman over the age of 18 who is in otherwise really good physical health. Your weight should be at or close to your ideal weight. Any fluctuations and increases in your weight can result in the fat cells returning to the treated areas, or the weight gain may be focused in other areas that have yet to be treated. You should be committed to staying healthy and maintaining a good workout routine that will help to keep your body toned.

Are there any risks to CoolSculpting?

While no procedure can be considered completely risk-free, CoolSculpting is considered to be incredibly safe. There is the potential for some side-effects after the procedure has been completed. These could include redness, swelling, tenderness, numbness, tingly and cramping in the treated areas. The side-effects should subside within a day or two of completing the procedure. Be sure to give your provider a complete medical history, so that any potential risks can be anticipated.

By and large, the non-invasive nature of the CoolSculpting treatment ensures that it’s a safe procedure, with very little to no recovery downtime.


How to Lose Weight Naturally
