How to Travel Like a Celebrity


It’s usually when you’re into the third hour of your rather cramped budget flight that you start thinking about how the other half live. You’re probably wondering if the rich and famous have to deal with boisterous stag parties who’ve brought their music and ‘top banter’ onboard with them, or whether they’ve ever spent £6 on a bacon sandwich which features one piece of tepid bacon.

The answer is: they probably haven’t. And after your last experience, you might be thinking of upgrading to a more ‘celebrity’ level of travel- but what exactly does that mean?

The Famous Hotel

Booking somewhere distinctly high profile is a pretty good starting point. You can either go for an iconic name or something eye-wateringly expensive. Luckily, the two tend to go hand in hand.

Think The Ritz, New York Plaza, Beverley Hills or Claridge’s for your typical names. If spending the most money humanly possible is the priority; try Geneva in Switzerland. The Royal Penthouse Suite at the President Wilson Hotel will cost $80,000 a night – even Beyoncé’s probably thinking twice about staying a night there.

Air or Sea?

Of course, after your last economy trip, traveling in style is an essential. Two options here: do you raise your air game or take to the seas?

If you’re sticking with flying, you’ll be pleased to know the private jet is steadily becoming more accessible to all. It still costs a pretty penny, of course, but more people are enjoying the ultimate luxury in air travel than ever before. If you’re bored of the skies, boats are the traditional billionaire option, and you might need to be a millionaire just to rent a good one.

Either way, you’ll have access to a full operation devoted to personal travel times, no hold ups and an array of wonderful services along the way.

Premium Products

Ditching the hand luggage friendly mini-products and the ‘we’ll get it when we’re there’ approach, the goods you’re travelling with need to be on point as well. Most celebrities have products they swear by, to the extent they won’t accept any other options. From celeb approved skincare to a premium luggage brand, no corners can be cut.

It’s important you’ve got the right gadgets as well. Try some noise cancelling headphones and a Kindle as a starting point for the journey.

‘Be Real’

There is a final, much more budget friendly option to try out. In fact, you’ve probably already done it.

You’ll find plenty of celebrities are happy to stick to relatively ordinary methods of travel, whether that’s stepping on the London Underground or flying with the rest of us. Likewise, you can take the philanthropic route as well: a no-frills trip to the other side of the world to help a charity. You might not create the same awareness as a big-name celebrity, but at least you’ll be doing your bit to make the world a better place.

In the end, the reality for us normal folk is the next holiday will hold the same perils as the last. The wait at the airport, the sweaty flight and a slightly suspect hotel play a part in most of our jet setting experiences, but that still doesn’t stop us having a great time. You can, if you want, splash out to travel like a celebrity, but expect your holiday bill to tell the story.


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