Biggest Makeup Trends in 2022


Which makeup trends do we think are biggest in 2022?

Picking a handful of trends that we think have some longevity is a tricky task because of how quickly tastes and styles change. Still, below, we’ve done our best to pick the 4 most appealing trends that we think will be huge as we enter the warmer months of 2022, and we are able to show off some of the looks we’ve been working on this year.

Whether you prefer to play it safe with just some full coverage foundation or want to go big with some showstopper blush, we’ve got you covered with this varied list.

Statement blush

Bright blush isn’t a new invention, but it has certainly become a lot more popular this year, and you can see it used more often than in any other period before. This year’s bright blush is to make a statement on its own, as opposed to being part of an overarching look. Pastel colors such as coral pink and peach have been popular if you want to go for something a little softer, while neon green has also been used to catch attention.

You can create this soft look by mixing a smaller amount of a brighter blush powder into your brush and applying it over a larger area. This won’t result in a heavily layered blush area but will be enough to create a look that is bold and something that will undoubtedly make a statement. It’s not just the colors that are changing, though, with women also applying it to different areas than before, primarily starting in the cheek apple area and the temple.

Deliberate minimalism


A lot of women are choosing to deliberately scale back their makeup usage, in complete contrast to the brighter blush looks we can see elsewhere on the makeup scene. It’s hard to say where this look has come from, but many have suggested that the working from home lifestyle has helped. Many women have become more comfortable wearing less makeup when working at home, which then carries on as we slowly make our way back to the office or hybrid working.

This look has been achieved by many by going for just a moisturizer and foundation, creating an effect that is simple but has a certain authenticity to it. If going for this look, it would be wise to go for a hydrating foundation that will result in that dewy appearance as it can otherwise sometimes look a touch dry and prone to creasing. If you’re somebody who isn’t usually a fan of extensive makeup routines anyway, we think you’ll absolutely love this minimal style.

Glassy lips

Maybe a renaissance of the bright red lips from the 80s or a product of the Kylie Jenner influencer-type look, glassy lips that look hydrated and plump without any over-the-top filler is definitely in this year. This look aims to recreate that lip filler look without needing to have any, or much, filler actually being used, which is a good thing in my book as there are certain risks associated with lip filler. At the same time, it can also be a super expensive habit to keep up.

If you don’t fancy going for a fuller color, such as candy pink or cherry red, there are a number of other choices that you could go for. Which color you choose to go with is entirely up to you, but we think that nude will be one to go for in 2022 as it seems to work well with some of the softer pastel colors we can see become popular in the blush and eyeshadow circles recently. There are so many choices out there if you want your lips to make a statement.

Fakeles (fake freckles)

Apologies for the name, but it was too good an opportunity to pass on. If you cast your mind back even just a few years, you should be able to remember how freckles were very much out, and it was a trend for women to hide their freckles using makeup. This was always a shame as we shouldn’t be ashamed of what we can’t control, but at least that seems to be in the past, and we are now able to flaunt our freckles, even if they aren’t completely real.

It has gone full-circle so much that women are now adding freckles to their faces using a variety of different techniques. A newer choice, and one that seems to be a little more long-lasting, is by using henna. In case you aren’t aware, henna is a type of temporary draw-on tattoo that people from Asia traditionally use to create stunning patterns on the skin, especially during holiday periods and for special occasions. It looks great!

Written by Megan Taylor
Megan is a beauty expert who is passionate about all things makeup and glam! Her love for makeup has brought her to become a beauty pro at Glamour Garden Cosmetics.