Picking The Perfect Ring For Your Wardrobe


Although a ring is a small aspect of your wardrobe, it’ll make a huge difference. Picking the right ring can take your wardrobe to a new level. However, you must remember that there is a fine line here.

If you pick the wrong ring, it could distract from your beautiful wardrobe. You must be incredibly careful when choosing a ring to add to your wardrobe. What should you consider? How can you be positive that you picked the best ring? You’ll find tips for achieving this goal below.

Consider The Metal

Remember that rings are more versatile than you could ever imagine. Therefore, you should do your research and find out what is going to work best for you. You need to discover the differences between Moissanite vs diamonds. You’ll also need to consider the ring’s metal. You likely already have a few accessories such as a bracelet and necklace. Plus, you might carry a clutch bag with a metal strap. If this is the case, you’ll want to match the metals.

If you’ve picked stainless steel, it is a good idea to stick with it. If you’re going with a gold ring, make sure your other accessories are gold too. It might seem like a hassle, but it’ll make a big difference. Make sure the metals match and your wardrobe will mesh exceptionally well.

Multiple Rings On Both Hands

You’ve likely thought about wearing multiple rings. Ultimately, you can. Just remember that you’ll need to do so carefully. If you haphazardly wear rings, it could take away from your wardrobe. If you’re going to wear multiple rings, it is a good idea to put them on both hands. You don’t have to wear them on the same finger, but they should be worn on both hands. Taking this approach will help balance your wardrobe. It’ll stop people from focusing on your hand with the ring and not the other. Wearing one ring on each hand will give you a balanced appearance.


Ultimately, you need to make sure that your wardrobe is proportional. It is never a good idea to wear a large ring on one finger and a big one on the other. Unfortunately, this would make you look odd. Instead, you should try to match everything well. If you’re going to wear a small ring on one hand, wear a small one on the other hand. If you consider the proportions, you should be okay.

Match The Moment

It is vital to make sure that you’re matching the moment. Where are you going? Are you going to a formal event or hanging out with friends? You need to find out so you can match your wardrobe to the event in question. If you’re going to a job interview, you don’t want to wear an elaborate ring. Instead, you should pick something small and simple. It shouldn’t distract from your formal wardrobe. If you’re going to be hanging out with friends, you can wear something bigger and flashier.

Either way, make sure your ring matches the moment in question.

Use It To Boost Your Confidence

When picking out a ring to add to your wardrobe, make sure it boosts your confidence. First, you should start wearing rings around your friends and loved ones. It takes time to get comfortable while wearing rings. Therefore, you should start slow. Once you’ve worn your ring around your loved ones for a few months, you’ll feel better about it. Your confidence will build, and you’ll be ready to wear the rings around others. You’ll need to commit to the idea of wearing rings with your wardrobe. Once you’ve become comfortable wearing the rings around your loved ones, you can add them to your work wardrobe.

The Right Style

Finally, you must pick the right ring style. There are plenty, but not everyone can wear all of them. Bohemian rings are gorgeous, but they’re not suitable for all people. You need to experiment a little and wear a handful of rings. Once you’ve done that, you’ll know what you like the most. You’ll also figure out which ring looks best with your wardrobe. Don’t stop until you’ve found the perfect ring style for your wardrobe. It takes time and patience to wear rings, but they’ll pay dividends in the long run.

Written by Megan Taylor
Megan is a beauty expert who is passionate about all things makeup and glam! Her love for makeup has brought her to become a beauty pro at Glamour Garden Cosmetics.