Expensive-Looking Color Combinations that Will Elevate Your Style

Expensive-Looking Color Combinations That Will Elevate Your Style

Learning to color coordinate is a great way to switch things up and add excitement to your wardrobe. If you don’t know where to start, there are a few expensive-looking, mistake-proof color combinations that you can master immediately. Take a look at our suggestions to elevate your style to the next level!

Lavender – Red

expensive-looking color combinations that will elevate your style
Photo By @ninasandbech/Instagram

Not many dare to experiment with the color red, but this combination is a full-proof way to get yourself noticed. Pair red and lavender clothing or accessory pieces to create captivating looks. You can mix textures for an even edgier appearance.

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Written by Ivana Steriova
Ivana Shteriova Karaniku is the content manager and a contributor at website-design-los-angeles.com. She is a fashion and makeup obsessive with a huge passion for writing. Although she holds a bachelor's degree in accounting and auditing, her love for all things fashion and beauty won her heart. Now, she is a full-time freelancer.