Refresh Your Style With Chic Color Block Outfits

Color Block Outfits

Color blocking is possibly one of the most exciting trends that refuse to retire. The secret behind winning color block outfits is wearing a few solid, preferably bright colors in one look. For the most impactful effect, you want to pair colors that are opposite on the color wheel. This way, you’ll achieve daring complementary hued combinations. It’s believed that initially fashionistas initially got inspired by the artwork of the infamous Dutch painter Piet Mondrian. Below you can find many examples of how to nail the color block trend. Scroll down and pin your favorite looks to use as style inspo.

color block outfits
Photo By @simplycyn/Instagram

As long as you use bright colors, you’ll achieve a statement look. Even if these colors aren’t opposite on the color wheel, they’ll create a high contrast when put together in one outfit. Aside from fashion, you can incorporate color blocking into your makeup routine.

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Written by Ivana Steriova
Ivana Shteriova Karaniku is the content manager and a contributor at She is a fashion and makeup obsessive with a huge passion for writing. Although she holds a bachelor's degree in accounting and auditing, her love for all things fashion and beauty won her heart. Now, she is a full-time freelancer.