Top 5 Essential Hair Products to Prepare for 2024


The new year is fast approaching, and you know what that means! It’s time for some much-needed hair therapy. The cold weather likely means dry hair which leads to breakage. However, the new year also means a new resolution to bring in a fresh, exciting hair care routine. So, as this year comes to an end, I find myself searching through all the old trends that didn’t serve me and looking for the most exciting new trends that supposedly do work to give them a try. Which is why I’m now experimenting to find the newest hair care products to add into my routine for the new year. So, without further ado, let’s discuss the top essential hair products to prepare for 2024, the best of the best that will get our hair ready to shine in the new year.

A Nourishing Hair Mask

First things first, I can’t mention a solid hair-care routine without talking about a nourishing hair mask. Applying a good hair mask after I condition in the shower and allowing it to sit for a few minutes while I meditate is one of my favorite self-care rituals. This is why finding a nourishing hair mask is essential for me. I prefer products that contain coconut oil because it has been known to repair dry, damaged hair as well as prevent dandruff from dry scalp skin. So, my current hair mask of choice for the new year is the Coco & Eve Hair Mask or any reputable choice that contains coconut oil. And the resulting shiny, healthy hair is why adding a new nourishing hair mask to my 2024 hair product goals is a necessity.

A Reliable Hair Growth Serum

While using a hair mask to help revitalize damaged hair is essential for hair that is dry and breaking, that’s not the right solution if you find yourself with somewhat substantial hair loss. What can you do if you find that you are losing your hair? For 2024 and beyond, I’ve found that Vegamour offers the perfect hair growth serum for anyone looking for a quick and easy way to grow full, voluminous hair once again. The right hair growth serum, such as the ones offered through Vegamour, increases the appearance of hair density, reduces the signs of shedding, and leaves your hair looking stronger and more resilient. Using a hair growth serum takes revitalizing your hair to the next level, allowing your hair to be fuller and healthier no matter how much hair you shed in a day. The older we get, the more hair we lose. It’s just an unfortunate fact of life. That’s why, as we move into the new year, adding a reliable hair growth serum is essential to add to your hair resolutions of 2024.

Eyelash Conditioner

This item might surprise you, but I can’t recommend a nourishing eyelash conditioner enough for those who want fuller eyelashes. We don’t always think about the health of the hair on our faces, but when your eyelashes are at the optimum health, it makes the world of a difference. But most people (a surprising 9 out of 10) have never applied conditioner to their eyelashes. They don’t think about the condition of their lashes until they start to lose them. So, I encourage you to pick up eyelash conditioner today and to begin thinking about the health of your lashes preventatively, something that can do wonders for your 2024 hair goals.

Full Deep Hair Wash

While a deep wash for your hair isn’t regularly needed, it’s an essential part of your routine to conduct on occasion. You see, regular washes do clean your hair and remove dirt and excess oil, but they don’t always break down the excess product and fully cleanse your scalp and roots of full buildup, and because of this, it is essential to conduct a full deep wash of your hair every month or so. You don’t want to overdo it, but a full cleanse can leave you feeling fresh and rejuvenated. That’s why a reliable deep wash shampoo is an essential item for any necessary hair product resolution list for the new year.


Keratin-Infused Conditioner

How could we talk about shampoo without following up and discussing the perfect conditioner? As we move into 2024 and the weather continues to get colder, think about adding conditioner with Keratin in it into your hair routine. What makes keratin-infused conditioner so great? Keratin helps to build back some of the proteins that your hair loses, which makes your hair appear smoother, softer, and sleeker. Using a keratin-infused conditioner just once will show visual differences, so I encourage you to try it out and see for yourself what a difference this can make. All in all, a new year means new resolutions, and one of the most fun resolutions you can experiment with is your hair resolutions. I encourage you to try a deep wash regularly this year while also applying a keratin-infused conditioner and a hair mask with coconut oil. Top off your routine with a reliable hair growth serum and eyelash conditioner, and you may be surprised how much your hair can transform over a short period of time. We all have different needs at different times in our lives, but one thing is certain, healthy hair is never a bad thing. And perfecting your hair routine is not only a great way to start the new year, but it’s also an incredible choice regarding your New Years Resolutions. It’s simple, easy, and fun. So, experiment with your hair care choices, play, and have the best and healthiest start to your new year. Your locks will thank you!

Written by Malorie Mackey
Malorie Mackey is an actress, published author, and adventurer based out of Los Angeles, California. Throughout her experiences, Malorie found a love for travel and adventure, having journeyed to over a dozen countries experiencing unique locations. From the lush jungles of the Sierra Madre mountain range to the Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland, Malorie began adventuring and writing about her unique travels. These travel excerpts can be found on VIVA GLAM Magazine, in Malorie’s Adventure Blog, in Malorie’s adventure show “Weird World Adventures” and in the works for her full-length travel book. Stay tuned as Malorie travels the world bringing its beauty and wonder to you. Check out