3 Tips To Avoid Foot Pain When Wearing Heels


Do the shoe boxes in your closet mainly consist of high heels? If so, you must’ve been making heads turn and mouths gasp while wearing them. But what if wearing your high heels too much could make you end up having foot pains or injuries? Would you give up wearing heeled shoes? What if there’s a way to prevent foot pains or injuries?

High Heels And Foot Pain

The heels in your feet are the most prominent bones in that area of your body, and injuring them may cause heel pain. From minor to disabling pains, they may influence your daily activities and affect the way you walk.

Whether wearing three-inch platform heels or six-inch stilettos, you’d unavoidably force your feet to walk like you’re tip-toeing. Your weight would be placed mostly on your feet’ balls, instead of being evenly distributed across your entire feet. This unequal weight distribution could result in an abnormal foot position, which could contribute to the development of plantar fasciitis.

A certain podiatrist Sunshine Coast clinic explains that excessive weight on the attachment points of the feet’s heel bones is likely to lead to plantar fasciitis. Without proper cushioning, your heel bones might feel the impact of a solid and possibly uneven surface of high heels, straining your entire feet and ankles. Aside from that, you may experience ankle weakness, calf problems, and other symptoms. The potential agony could be excruciating.

The good news is you may not have to entirely forego wearing high heels to avoid suffering from plantar fasciitis. There are various methods you could apply to support your feet and avoid experiencing any symptoms of foot injuries. By observing such methods, you can continue wearing heels to your job or for whatever purpose you intend to without worrying much about foot pain.

Tips To Protect Your Feet When Wearing High Heels

Protecting your feet from injury merely requires minor adjustments to your heels and a few easy precautions so you could keep wearing your high heels, especially if you’re not quite ready to abandon your stilettos. Below are three tips to prevent any foot pain when wearing heels.

1. Choose The Best-Fitting High Heels Possible

When it comes to selecting a pair of high heels, style is frequently a primary factor. However, it mustn’t be the only element to consider. To minimize the risk of developing foot injuries, your shoes should adhere to the shape of your feet and be appropriate for your activities, such as standing for extended durations or walking huge distances.

If you wear heels that are excessively tight or too loose or lack sufficient support, lower back pains, bunions, and knee problems may occur. Your daily productivity may be hampered or prevented as a result of the pressure, too. Without a doubt, the higher the heels are, the more stress is placed on your feet, and the probability of injury increases.

With this in mind, choose and wear high heels that alleviate general foot stress, such as those with platforms. On the other hand, if you prefer shoes with shorter heels, make sure the heels are secured and there isn’t too much space in the toe box.

2. Use Insoles And Inserts To Cushion Your Feet

Shoe inserts are among the most crucial items to own in order to keep your feet in good shape. They can be bought in stores without a prescription.

Inserts play a vital role in evaluating how well you’d feel while walking or running. They’re designed to fit into your shoes to provide cushioning on your heels and give you overall foot support. Although they’re not intended to address foot problems, they could help you feel more comfortable when wearing high heels without having to worry about obtaining foot pains or injuries.

3. Don’t Skip Calf Stretching To Avert Shortened Muscles

Stretching is vital to a healthy lifestyle. It not only minimizes the likelihood of injury, but it also alleviates muscular tightness and pain.

One of the primary reasons people have foot problems is they don’t stretch sufficiently. If you spend the majority of your time walking or standing on your feet or in high heels, your frontal muscles could become strained or shortened, resulting in conditions like flat feet.

Light stretching may be done at all times. It’s critical to concentrate on the muscles individually rather than simply arching your back, as other people do when stretching their hamstrings or quadriceps. Also, if you experience pain when spreading your toes apart, this could indicate they’re too tight and should be stretched more gently.

Final Thoughts

If your legs or feet hurt after a day of wearing high heels, you’re most probably wearing unfit shoes, not using inserts or insoles, or not stretching sufficiently. It might be best to follow the simple tips mentioned above and avoid any foot pain to keep wearing the high heel shoes you most love.

Written by Megan Taylor
Megan is a beauty expert who is passionate about all things makeup and glam! Her love for makeup has brought her to become a beauty pro at Glamour Garden Cosmetics.