How to Start a Clothing Business Online


Building an online clothing store is not that daunting despite what some people might think. Yes, the initial idea might seem scary because especially if you have no experience. However, there are clothing businesses online that began as a simple website and slowly grew into a recognizable brand. In other words, if other people can do it, managing such a venture should not be out of the realm of impossibilities as well.

It is also worth mentioning that store integration is simple thanks to platforms like Shopify and WooCommerce. You can start a website with just a few clicks. It is the next steps that will determine whether you are successful or not. This article will tell you how to proceed further with the clothing business development.

Step #1 – Choose Your Products

Choosing a product requires more effort than one might think. The market of clothing stores on the internet is saturated, and you do not want to end on a market that is too competitive. Even pouring a lot of resources might not help it simply because other brands have had an early start, and catching up to them is too hard.

Yes, personal preference is important. You might have more motivation with custom t-shirt printing than something like dresses, but at the same time, there is no minimum number of clothes that you have to sell. Expansion is an option further down the line.

However, before you commit too many resources, start small and look to build your brand, and think ahead.

Step #2 – Pick Your Niche

The more specific your niche, the higher your chances of succeeding. Like already mentioned in previous paragraphs, you do not want to deal with a competitive market.

There are many ideas to consider, particularly if you are going with a digital printing option instead of hand-made clothes. The latter can also be an option, but you need to have the talent for it or hire someone who is willing to cooperate. Not to mention that there are no guarantees of selling these hand-made clothes right away.

Similar to how you pick a product, you can also consider a niche that you like. It helps with motivation and inspiration for new ideas. For example, if you like popular cultures, such as movies or music, then your brand could revolve around famous actor caricatures quoting their most famous words. This particular example is tricky because of copyright issues, which are another aspect to consider.

Another example could be animals. Many people love cats or dogs. Funny cat or dog videos get millions of views on YouTube and social media platforms. However, given the popularity, it is natural that the market is oversaturated, but some niches are still worth considering. Maybe there is a lack of custom-made t-shirt with the Siamese cats or not enough prints with Pitbull memes? The bottom line is that you can find an idea that can work, provided you spend time researching the market.

Step #3 – Create Your Designs

Design creation can be tricky as it requires experience. If you do not have the necessary background, hiring a freelancer is still an option. In fact, it might be a solid choice, even if you have the skills to design clothes yourself. Someone has to take care of other matters, such as marketing. And managing both designs and business advertisements can prove too difficult if you are alone.

If you decide to switch to a joint venture, keep in touch with your designers so that you are on the same page. Discuss potential ideas for new clothes and always look for opportunities to add new products so that your customers have more to choose from.

Step #4 – Advertise Your Store

For some, advertising is the hardest step, but for others, it can be the opposite. The time for an advertisement campaign means that you have the website up and running and can finally start to work on attracting customers.

There are different approaches to marketing. Some brands emphasize search engine optimization and dedicate their resources to organic traffic from Google. Others are running campaigns on social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, by organizing contests and giveaways.

Influencer marketing is also a popular method. And you can find influencers on more than just social media. YouTube, Twitch TV, and even specific influencer sites like Heepzy or TapInfluence can provide you with multiple options.

You get to decide marketing methods. Ideally, covering as much ground as possible would be the best outcome, but a lack of resources might prove as an obstacle. On the other hand, if you manage the business wisely with the intent to scale in the future, then you will have opportunities to expand and advertise on multiple marketing channels.

Written by Megan Taylor
Megan is a beauty expert who is passionate about all things makeup and glam! Her love for makeup has brought her to become a beauty pro at Glamour Garden Cosmetics.