The Best Colors To Wear According To Your Skin Tone

Everybody has their preferred color. For some, this color does actually suit them. Others, however, don’t really look good in a particular color as much as they may like it.

Why is this? After all, a nice color is a nice color. The answer is skin tone. The color of your skin plays a part in matching the right colors together just as a scarf or other accessory needs to match your clothes.

The trick is finding a color that also goes well with whatever color your skin is. Now, there is nothing wrong with picking the “wrong” color for your skin. It’s just that if you really want to put your best foot forward, there are ways that you can look your best without much effort at all.

In this article, I will give you several tips to find your best color for your skin tone.

Universal colors

There are some colors that will work with just about any skin tone so if you are looking for accessories or clothes that you don’t have to think about much, then keep this in mind.

For clothes, white looks great against any skin color. From the deepest brown to the whitest white, you can be sure that these clothes won’t clash with your skin color. However, that might not work great for certain accessories. For instance, white eyeglass frames may not really suit you and you should look into two tone glasses with warm colors.

When it comes to clothes, you can also get away with teal and light blush in the summer no matter what skin tone you have. And even a deep purple can work if you feel like that color also suits your personality.

Determine your skin color

To figure out what color goes best with your skin tone, it helps to actually know what your skin tone is. You need to do a quick test to really figure it out.

Take a piece of white paper and hold it up to your face. If your skin looks light brown or even a little bit green in contrast to the paper, then you have a warm skin tone. If it looks slightly gray, then you have a neutral skin tone.

To find out if you have a cool skin color, and I mean cool in the not warm sense, you have to try a different method. Look at the palms of your hands. Below your palm, at your wrist where you would take your pulse, take note of the color of the veins. If they look purple then you have a cool skin tone.

Colors for warm skin tones

For those with warm skin tones, the best clothes and accessories have a very natural feel. A color that evokes a crisp fall day and feeling cozy.

So, colors like amber, gold, orange and yellow. Think of a New England forest as the colors of the leaves are bursting with colors and you have an idea of what will work well.

If you want something that is more summery, then try peach or coral. And in the winter you should be adding colors like olive, moss and deep crimson red.

Wearing colors like pastels will make your skin look grey and maybe even ashy and should be avoided. You may want to make an impression with gemstone colors like amethyst or sapphire, but really it will contrast greatly with your skin tone.

Colors for a neutral skin tone

If you found out after doing your skin tone test that you have a neutral tone, then you are very lucky indeed. You can pretty much wear whatever color you want. There aren’t any colors that you can wear that won’t work with your skin tone or clash with it.

With that said, however, there are still some colors that will work best. Try out some muted versions of certain colors. This will avoid overwhelming your skin tone. And if you have the added bonus of very smooth and unblemished skin, then you want people to notice that so it’s best to avoid anything that will steal the spotlight.

And neutral colors also work great. Off whites and coffee colors will work for any occasion.

Colors for cool skin tones

Lastly, if you have a cool skin tone, then bright colors are great. Bright blues, pinks and aquamarine are all very nice against your skin. And it also offers a way to show the vibrant aspect of your personality.

These colors can also evoke nature in the same way that warm skin tones do but different aspects of it. Instead of a fall forest, think Caribbean seaside. Or, a winter scene full of reflecting snow and icicles.

Written by Malorie Mackey
Malorie Mackey is an actress, published author, and adventurer based out of Los Angeles, California. Throughout her experiences, Malorie found a love for travel and adventure, having journeyed to over a dozen countries experiencing unique locations. From the lush jungles of the Sierra Madre mountain range to the Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland, Malorie began adventuring and writing about her unique travels. These travel excerpts can be found on VIVA GLAM Magazine, in Malorie’s Adventure Blog, in Malorie’s adventure show “Weird World Adventures” and in the works for her full-length travel book. Stay tuned as Malorie travels the world bringing its beauty and wonder to you. Check out