Glow Getter: The surprising skin benefits of a Quality mattress protector


Let’s be honest; skincare products are the first thing that comes to mind when restoring your silky, youthful skin. While there is no doubt about the impact of skincare products on skin health, there is a less obvious yet highly impactful product for skin health – the mattress protector. Yes! This essential bed accessory could be the missing piece in your beauty purchases. A quality mattress protector offers surprising benefits for your skin, and here’s why. 

Protects You From Allergens

Mattresses are possible hideouts for allergens such as pollen, mold, pet dander, and even tiny cockroaches. These unwanted elements can cause severe skin irritation, such as eczema and dermatitis. They can also cause respiratory problems, which in turn affect the quality of sleep. Thankfully, quality mattress protectors act as a barrier between you and these allergens, enabling you to sleep like a newborn. While choosing a mattress protector, ensure you opt for the size that fits the size of your mattress. If you’re using a king-size mattress, a king mattress protector will blend well. 

Reduce Moisture

While sleeping at night, the body perspires, and the moisture is absorbed into the mattress. However, a damp bed is a perfect habitat for bacteria and molds, which can negatively affect skin health through breakouts and infections. A quality mattress protector is equipped with moisture-absorbing surfaces that protect mattresses from dampness, thereby preventing skin imperfections like acne and other conditions that could arise from sleeping on a moist mattress. 

Reduction of Bed Bugs and Mites

Bed bugs are highly harmful to skin health. These microscopic creatures can cause itching, redness, and even infections that can affect skin conditions. The worst part is that they embed themselves in a mattress and come out when they sense body heat. Anyone who uses a high-quality mattress protector need not worry about these creatures because a mattress protector creates a shield between bed bugs and the user. Moreover, mattress protectors have antimicrobial properties that inhibit bacterial growth. Hence, they help maintain a healthier sleeping environment, contributing to more precise and healthier skin.

Eliminate Stains and Odors

No one loves smelly mattresses, but they are inevitable after using them for a long while. A smelly mattress can deprive you of a deep, refreshing sleep and harm your skin health. To eliminate this odor, you need a mattress protector to safeguard against spills and stains. This ensures your mattress remains clean and odor-free.

Temperature Regulation

Research shows that the type of material a bed cover is made of can affect the body temperature of anyone sleeping on it. Quality mattress protectors are made from breathable materials. This ensures they adequately modulate heat retention and prevent occupants from excessive heat. As a result, the bed occupant can sleep in a bed with optimum temperature and comfort.

Final Thoughts

Overall, quality mattress protectors like the king mattress protector provide the adequate sleep your body needs to repair itself by growing new cells and secreting collagen for healthy skin. By using a mattress protector, you prevent skin disease-causing elements like bacteria, mites, bugs, and mold from inhabiting your mattress. From now on, you won’t see your mattress protector as a mere bed cover but as a valuable companion in ensuring your skin looks radiant and glowing.

Written by Megan Taylor
Megan is a beauty expert who is passionate about all things makeup and glam! Her love for makeup has brought her to become a beauty pro at Glamour Garden Cosmetics.