Sleek Hairstyles The Perfectionist in You Will Love

Sleek Hairstyles The Perfectionist In You Will Love

Voluminous, over-the-top hairstyles are fun to wear, but these styles might not be the best fit for some outfits. For the occasions that require a chic and put-together look, sleek hairstyles are here to deliver. Taking inspiration from our favorite Insta girls, we gathered the best sleek hair-dos anyone can pull off. Scroll down for our visual selection and pin your top picks for your next big occasion!

sleek hairstyles the perfectionist in you will love
Photo By @brendalandworld/Instagram

Ponytails are a popular choice for sleek hairstyles that everyone can DIY. Tie your hair in a high ponytail and give your strands soft curls to recreate this gorgeous look. Use extra hair gel at the front to avoid any baby hairs sticking out.

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Written by Ivana Steriova
Ivana Shteriova Karaniku is the content manager and a contributor at She is a fashion and makeup obsessive with a huge passion for writing. Although she holds a bachelor's degree in accounting and auditing, her love for all things fashion and beauty won her heart. Now, she is a full-time freelancer.