The Pros and Cons of Plant-Based Meats 


Plant-based meats have become popular these past few years, especially in the vegan community. The main reason is that you can use these products as an alternative to beef, pork, chicken, and fish. Aside from that, they also contain nutrients. However, these products also come with drawbacks. To give you a better view, here are the pros and cons of plant-based meats. 

The Pros:

Contains Fiber 

Compared to animal products, plant-based meat products are high in fiber. Remember, these foods are usually made with veggies that are high in fiber and protein. As you know, fiber can offer numerous health benefits, especially for your digestive health. Plus, it can also help in weight management. 

Improve Your Overall Health 

As you know, animal products are rich in fats that may increase your risk of heart problems. As such, many of them decided to consume more plant-based products. Unfortunately, many people find it challenging to avoid meat products. The solution to this problem is to opt for plant-based meat. Remember, these products have similar flavors and textures to real meat. As such, they can help you in your transition to a vegan diet

More Environmentally Friendly 

Another great benefit of plant-based meat products is that they are more environmentally friendly. Keep in mind that these foods require less water and land to prepare. As a result, there is a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. 

Tofu Skewers

The Cons: 

Highly Processed 

When it comes to the pros and cons of plant-based meats, the most vital information you need to know is their major drawback. To be specific, some of these products are highly processed. As a result, most of their nutrients are destroyed during the process. For this reason, experts recommend consuming low amounts of plant-based meats. Instead, you can opt for other meat alternatives, like tofu, beans, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. 

High in Sodium 

Another drawback of plant-based meats is that they have high amounts of sodium. As you know, excessive consumption of sodium may cause high blood pressure and other health problems. As such, experts recommend opting for foods low in sodium on days you’re eating plant-based meats. That way, your sodium intake will not exceed its recommended daily dose. 

The Bottom Line 

All in all, these are some of the pros and cons of plant-based meats. As presented, these products can provide several advantages. However, you also have to be cautious when consuming these foods because of their disadvantages. You can ensure that you’re consuming healthy plant-based meats by checking their labels, specifically the nutrient value, ingredient list, and calorie contents. Or, even better, learn to make these alternatives from scratch with home grown or/and organic ingredients.

Written by Katarina Van Derham
Katarina Van Derham has worked in Hollywood for over a decade, gaining experience in every aspect of media and show business. Knowing the science behind beauty has made her one of the most sought after beauty specialists in the entertainment industry. She is often a judge for model searches and beauty pageants around the world. With a philanthropic heart and passion for leading an ethical lifestyle, Katarina is quickly becoming one of the leading influencers in the vegan and cruelty-free community.