Healthy eating doesn’t mean you can’t dine out in style! The restaurants below demonstrate that it’s possible to be good to your body while chowing down in some magnificently fashionable surroundings.
Healthy eating doesn’t mean you can’t dine out in style! The restaurants below demonstrate that it’s possible to be good to your body while chowing down in some magnificently fashionable surroundings.
Mauritius is a dream destination. This small island is located 2,000 miles from the southeast coast of Africa, and it is simply a heaven on earth. From the soft white beaches to the colorful surroundings and traditional street food, this travel destination is one of a kind and is a must-see.
It’s usually when you’re into the third hour of your rather cramped budget flight that you start thinking about how the other half live. You’re probably wondering if the rich and famous have to deal with boisterous stag parties who’ve brought their music and ‘top banter’ onboard with them, or whether they’ve ever spent £6 on a bacon sandwich which features one piece of tepid bacon.