Wearing clothing that fits you well is an integral part of fashion. It’s not just about wearing what’s in style. Fashion is a bit more complicated and has its rules for various body shapes. Finding just the right piece of clothing according to your body shape isn’t easy, and it requires a long search and mathematical calculations, especially if you have a non-standard figure. And we all know that the world isn’t that perfect place and most women are not born with an ideally sculpted figure. Thus, if you have a flat chest, bulky thighs or excess weight in the abdominal area, you have to follow some fashion tips to choose clothes according to your body type. The secret to an ideally proportioned outfit lies in the “golden section’, which divides the whole outfit into two parts the way that a harmonious balance is created between the upper and lower parts of a body. And since these parts vary a lot from figure to figure, take a look at the main style rules of the proper clothing selection for different body types.