How Plastic Surgery Has Changed the Face of Hollywood


From the beginning of the film industry in the early 1900s, Hollywood has significantly influenced the perceptions of beauty in the US and worldwide. In the modern era, we see countless images of Hollywood stars on TV and social media who look beautiful.

Of course, it’s well known that most Hollywood celebrities we see every day have had plastic surgery. Some are honest about it, and some aren’t, but, understandably, people who make their living mainly on their appearance use plastic surgery to improve their careers.

Cosmetic procedures are prevalent with stars over 40; you would have to look long and hard in Tinseltown to find a celebrity at that age who hasn’t had work done.

The procedures movie stars have to enhance their looks affect society. Many people look to celebrity experiences with plastic surgery to guide what they should do themselves. This is because celebrities’ bread and butter are how they look on the screen, so we expect they know which procedures are the best and last the longest.

Let’s take a closer look at how specific cosmetic procedures have influenced Hollywood in recent years.

Botox And Fillers

When it comes to cosmetic procedures in Hollywood, many industry experts say Botox and fillers are among the most popular and effective. After all, what’s more important to a Hollywood celebrity than their face?

According to Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Otto Placik, “Botox and fillers are popular with celebrities in Hollywood because they can reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles without surgery. A movie star can have a few Botox injections, reduce the appearance of crow’s feet, and go back to work the next day.”

Male and female celebrities in Hollywood love Botox and fillers and have regular injections every three to six months to maintain their appearance. And no surgery is required.

Dermal fillers also are used by movie stars to add volume to the cheeks and lips. While care needs to be used not to use too much filler over time, there’s no question these injections have truly ‘changed the face of Hollywood’ in recent years!

Some Hollywood stars who have had impressive results with Botox in the last few years include Nicole Kidman, Kim Kardashian, Jenny McCarthy, Tom Cruise, and Jennie Garth.


It’s probably not surprising that facelifts also are popular in Hollywood. The traditional facelift removes sagging skin and reduces the appearance of deep lines and wrinkles. The facelift also lifts the skin of the face and makes the celebrity look up to 10 years younger.

Facelifts are mainly used by female celebrities who face constant pressure to look younger and compete with the latest 20-something upcoming stars. Men tend to land significant roles when they look older, but women usually need to continue to look as young as they can.

Many celebrities still use the facelift as their major age-fighting procedure because they want just one procedure.

Botox and fillers have their place, and many stars love them. But a facelift lets you have a single procedure and be done with it. Some celebrities report finishing a film project, taking a three-month break, and having a facelift. Then, they can take it easy, let their bodies heal, and go back to work.

Of course, the top plastic surgeons that work on Hollywood stars have the skill and experience to minimize scarring. As a result, many celebrities can have a facelift that takes 10 years off their looks and extends their careers by years.

In that way, having a facelift in Hollywood can be an excellent investment. Some stars who have had good facelift results over the years include Jane Fonda, John Travolta, Dolly Parton, and Pamela Anderson


The nose job is also a popular plastic surgery in Hollywood that has changed faces for years.

Why is rhinoplasty so popular in Hollywood? Unlike other body issues that can be changed with diet, exercise, and lifestyle changes, there’s nothing we can do about our noses. We are born with it and cannot alter its appearance without surgery.

The nose also is the central feature of the face, and any flaw tends to be more visible than others. This is why so many celebrities have nose jobs.

But they must choose a skilled plastic surgeon for the work. After all, many of us have seen when a celebrity has a bad nose job over the years. The problem with rhinoplasty is it’s a very complex procedure, and it must be done with great skill and artistry for the best results.

Many Hollywood stars are open about their nose jobs, including:

  • Jennifer Aniston
  • Lisa Kudrow
  • Kaley Cuoco
  • Tyra Banks
  • Jillian Michaels
  • Courtney Love
  • Cameron Diaz

In our 24/7 media world, there’s no doubt that plastic surgery has had a significant impact on Hollywood and will continue to do so. And that influence will trickle down to the rest of the world as people continue to look to celebrities for inspiration about beauty and glamor.

Written by Malorie Mackey
Malorie Mackey is an actress, published author, and adventurer based out of Los Angeles, California. Throughout her experiences, Malorie found a love for travel and adventure, having journeyed to over a dozen countries experiencing unique locations. From the lush jungles of the Sierra Madre mountain range to the Arctic Circle in Finnish Lapland, Malorie began adventuring and writing about her unique travels. These travel excerpts can be found on VIVA GLAM Magazine, in Malorie’s Adventure Blog, in Malorie’s adventure show “Weird World Adventures” and in the works for her full-length travel book. Stay tuned as Malorie travels the world bringing its beauty and wonder to you. Check out