10 Common Myths about Liposuction


Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgeries in the US, and millions of people have been satisfied with how this procedure gives them the body contours they want.

But there are many misconceptions about liposuction that you should be aware of so you have the most accurate information possible.

Liposuction Is For Weight Loss

This is the most common misunderstanding about the popular fat removal procedure. Liposuction is for people near their ideal body weight but has stubborn pockets of fat they cannot lose through diet and exercise.

For example, a woman may be healthy and slim but have trouble losing fat on the hips or abdomen. Liposuction can remove a small amount of fat to provide more pleasing contours and make clothes fit better.

However, liposuction will only remove a few pounds of fat per session, so it will not help you lose weight. Many people notice after liposuction that they look better, but their weight barely changes.

We reached out to Dr. Aric Aghayan of Apres Plastic Surgery for comment. Dr. Aghayan says, “Some of my patients want liposuction, but they still may achieve their goal with diet and exercise. If you want to lose weight, you should talk to your doctor about a diet and exercise program.”

He adds that after you’ve weight, then you might have a conversation with your board-certified plastic surgeon about the next steps.

Liposuction Is Only For Young People

Social media might make you think that only young people have liposuction, but anyone in good health can probably have liposuction. This includes older patients in many cases.

The only problem with some older people is when the skin isn’t elastic enough anymore to ‘bounce back’ after liposuction. The skin needs to be able to adhere to your slimmer profile.

Your plastic surgeon will give you a medical examination to decide if your skin is elastic enough for liposuction.

Liposuction Is Risky

Liposuction is surgery with general anesthesia, so there always is a small risk. However, liposuction has been done for decades. So it’s safe for most people.

The most popular procedure with an outstanding safety record is tumescent liposuction. Your plastic surgeon makes small incisions in the target area and injects saline, lidocaine, and epinephrine solution that reduces swelling and bleeding.

Next, the surgeon inserts a thin cannula and removes the fat and solution. A board-certified plastic surgeon is trained to remove the right amount of fat under the skin without damaging other tissues.

The most common complication from tumescent liposuction is excessive swelling and bruising, but these usually resolve independently after two or three weeks.

Liposuction Addresses Loose Skin

If you have loose skin in the treatment area, removing fat with liposuction will cause more skin sagging. Your surgeon may recommend a variety of skin tightening procedures to ensure the best results with liposuction.

People who have loose skin in the abdomen may need a tummy tuck and liposuction in the same procedure.

Fat Will Come Back

Liposuction is a permanent procedure, and the fat your surgeon removes will not come back. However, your surgeon will leave a small amount of fat in that area, and it will grow if you eat too many calories.

Further, fat will accumulate and expand in untreated parts of the body, so remember to exercise and eat a healthy diet to maintain your liposuction results.

Liposuction Is ‘Cheating’

Liposuction is not for weight loss and only is to improve your shape and contours slightly. In addition, it is a serious surgical procedure that requires recovery and post-op care.

Ideal candidates are already at their goal weight and want to make minor improvements to their bodies.

There’s No Recovery

Tumescent liposuction is major surgery, so you will need to recover for a few weeks after treatment.

The most common side effects of liposuction are swelling, bruising, and moderate pain. Most patients only need over-the-counter pain medication after the first few days. Swelling and bruising can take a few weeks to dissipate.

You will need to wait at least two weeks to go back to vigorous workouts, but going for walks is encouraged to speed the healing process.

Liposuction Always Solves Belly Fat

Liposuction is very popular for the abdomen. But remember, it only eliminates subcutaneous fat, directly under the skin and above the abdominal muscles.

If you have a ‘beer belly’ that sticks out, that is because of fat below the muscle and around the organs. Unfortunately, this problem will not go away with liposuction, so you should talk to your doctor about a diet and exercise program.

Liposuction Fixes Cellulite

Some people think that liposuction eliminates cellulite. However, cellulite is not a pocket of fat that can be easily removed; it’s subcutaneous fat that works its way into connective tissues that lie under the skin.

Liposuction only removes fat that is directly under the skin that doesn’t affect the connective tissues.

Only Women Have Liposuction

Women have liposuction more often than men, but it is increasingly popular with them, too. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that liposuction was one of the most popular procedures for men in 2019.

Men also like to have liposuction on the love handles and chest; chest liposuction is especially popular for men who develop abnormally large breasts.

Liposuction is a popular and effective procedure to give your body a more aesthetic appearance. So talk to your plastic surgeon soon to determine if this procedure will work for you.

Written by Megan Taylor
Megan is a beauty expert who is passionate about all things makeup and glam! Her love for makeup has brought her to become a beauty pro at Glamour Garden Cosmetics.