How To Shop For Your Man

They say that men and women have different shopping habits. While men tend to pick the item they need, pay for it and leave, women take time to ruminate, looking for the best deal, the best fit, and the best everything. Put simply, women are more selective and are great comparison shoppers, while men want to make the process as fast as possible.
There’s no one good way to shop, each has its own disadvantages and benefits. But, most of the time, not knowing what to buy or how to shop during special occasions could cause avoidable problems.
If you want to know how to get the best gift ever for your significant other, consider these points:
Set a budget.
If you could give the moon and the stars to your beau, you’d gladly do it, right? But, let’s be practical and realistic. You can only spend so much for presents. That said, put a price ceiling on your gift. This may be applied not only to your man, but for all of the gifts you’re going to purchase. This will keep you from overspending and ensure that you still have enough cash for other essentials.
This doesn’t mean that pricey gifts are not allowed though. If you can afford it, by all means, get him that state-of-the-art gadget or a La-Z-Boy.
Decide what to give him.
It’s the thought that counts. Everyone knows it, and you get it. But, you’d still want to: A) give your man the best gift B) hand him something that he’ll find useful and C) see that priceless and ecstatic look on his face as soon as he opens the box. These should be the three guiding principles in gift-giving.
So, get your research and investigative skills ready, as you casually look for clues on what he wants (besides you) months early. Don’t mention it out of the blue as he may suspect that you’re trying to extract information.
Most of the time, you know what he wants based on what his passion and hobbies are. For instance, if he’s a certified techie, hand him any of these tech gadgets and watch out for his precious reaction as he opens the gift box.
Stalk his social media accounts.
If all else fails, stalk his social media accounts – Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest, and so on. He may have, in his unguarded and candid moments, slipped and mentioned a thing or two about his wish list. Or maybe there are a few products that caught his fancy enough to earn some likes or comments from your beau.

If he has an Amazon account, try snooping around to see what’s included in his wish list. Has he been eyeing these bamboo briefs for ages? Then give them to him this holiday season.
Shop early.
The perfect way to find the best gift for your beloved is to manage your time. Don’t wait until the last minute to shop for gifts as all the nice ones may have been wiped out by smarter gift-givers and shoppers. If you want to do it right, start shopping as early possible to get the best deals.
Shop online.
This is a life-saver, especially in times of health emergencies like the coronavirus pandemic. Instead of traveling and exposing yourself to the virus, online shopping also saves you time and fuel as you don’t have to go on frequent trips to the store. It takes stress out of gift-giving.
Go to a one-stop shopping center.
When shopping in-store, look for a store that has everything in one roof. This allows you to choose from among the many options – electronics, books, accessories, and home furnishings, among others—to make sure you can tick off everything in your “to buy” list for your man. (Who says you can only give one gift?) Sometimes, quantity and quality go hand in hand, especially when you’re giving small, individually wrapped items to your beau.
Naughty or nice?
If your man has been both nice and naughty, no one’s stopping you from choosing undies for your bloke. Oftentimes, you don’t have to stress on what to buy and how to buy a gift for your loved one. Underwear is an essential need, and no man is ever going to refuse wearing one, especially coming from you.
Do the unconventional.
It’s not always necessary to give tangible gifts. Sometimes, you just have to spend some time and do things you both love doing. A trip to the island or the destination of your dreams, a ticket to a basketball or baseball finals game, or a concert might just be what he wants.
Otherwise, make him smile or laugh. Buy a recording album from a band that he loves most, or have a custom-made funny statement shirt. If he loves cereal, why not give him a month-long supply of his favorite breakfast staple?
Final Thoughts
A survey done by McKinsey & Company in 2019 found that not knowing what to buy was the main issue for shoppers during the holiday season. To address this problem, avoid the Christmas rush. It not only saves you time and money, it helps take the stress out of the holiday shopping, allowing you to enjoy the Christmas season more with that right gift in your hands.
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