A Short Guide On Casino Fashion & “Smart Casual”


If you are hitting the casino for the first time, you might want to revisit the fashion demands. The image of James Bond surely hits the frontal lobe every time, but it doesn’t always have to be full suit attire. If you are worried about what to wear, then there is no need to panic. The movies have brainwashed you into thinking otherwise.

The cinemas have us believing that we have to play the odds machines dressed in a black tie, but the reality is that casinos are actually pretty casual when it comes to clothing. However, you have to find a balance between formal wear and casual attire. It’s called smart casual, which consists of you looking presentable and comfortable. What does that mean? We’re here to answer that question right now.

Smart Casual

If you can imagine what it takes to enter a nice bar, then you can easily sit near the blackjack chart at a casino. Long, stretchy clothes that you would wear to a gym are not allowed, but anything that wouldn’t look out of sorts as a sophisticated outing would be alright. What does that look like? Imagine what people wore when they went to a contemporary church service, or an evening out at one of the popular martini bars.

The same goes for footwear. If your shoes are dirty or torn, then you need to wear something else for your feet too. That does not mean that you have to wear spit shined shoes with polish. It means that you look clean. Many casinos pride themselves on having a clean and approachable appearance. If you look “dirty,” that could drive away business, which means you are also going to be sent out the door.

Does Attire Change For The Game?

This question is geared more at those who are interested in playing various types of poker games at casinos. The answer is yes and no. You can wear your clean, casual clothing as long as you look presentable. You can wear baseball caps and hooded sweatshirts like many of the pros that you see on television. However, if you hit the casino floors, you are expected to wear your “smart casual” clothing. Again, that is because casinos pride themselves on their appearance.

You don’t want to be limited to just the poker room, so you want to plan ahead. That’s why it is smarter to stick with our smart casual outfits because that means you can access the entire floor plan. Whether you want to dress formally or casually, as long as you find the smart balance between the two, you will be able to fly through all levels of the casino.

The Perfect Outfit

Hours of sitting around the blackjack table or different games can make heels, jackets, or anything else tight feeling uncomfortable. It’s important to remember how you want to feel throughout the night. How long will you stay? How much movement will be involved? What is the temperature of the facility? These are important questions to ask yourself before you head out.

The perfect outfit for guys includes polo shirts and khaki pants or shorts. If you are going out in the summer, shorts are the better option. If it is cold, you could go long sleeves because short sleeves mean you will need another layer, and you don’t want to carry extra clothing around with you all night. For ladies, skirts and dresses are nice, but there’s nothing wrong with a nice pair of comfy, dress pants. Pants can cover both hot and cold atmospheres and there are plenty of styles that can match a nice blouse or shirt as well. Make sure to wear footwear that is good for walking as well.

Written by Megan Taylor
Megan is a beauty expert who is passionate about all things makeup and glam! Her love for makeup has brought her to become a beauty pro at Glamour Garden Cosmetics.