Top 5 Great Reasons to Get into Selfie Photography

The humble selfie has gained so much traction that it has become a household term. Oxford Dictionaries even deemed it the 2013 Word of the Year. Almost everyone has tried taking selfies—whether it’s a simple smiling snap with friends, or one with a duck-faced pout.
A selfie is different from taking your own picture with a timer or remote control because you capture it yourself in real-time. The subject will often extend their arm in this type of self-photography, twisting the camera to different angles in order to alter the lighting. You can even purchase selfie sticks that serve as extenders to help you get the perfect perspective.
Today there are many great ways to learn more tips about selfie photography, which can help you improve your selfie game.
If you’re looking to improve your social media feed and learn to capture your best angles, here are some great reasons to try your hand with selfie photography:
- Stay On-Trend
One of the primary reasons to consider selfie photography is to keep up with the current trends in the digital world. Many web users take self-portraits to share on their social media accounts. If you take a high-quality photo with great lighting and use it as your profile picture, you can catch people’s attention and build an effective social media presence.
Also try to employ tips and tricks from a good website to end up with awesome selfies. If you run a business social media page, keeping up with the trends can lend your brand relevance and show potential customers that you have your fingers on the pulse. If you only have personal social accounts, selfies are a great way to connect with your audience, and share images of yourself with friends and family.
- Elevate Your Social Media Profiles
Level up your social media profiles by uploading a well-captured selfie. If you’re in a creative field, it’s an ideal place to show off your style to potential clients. On the other hand, if you’re in a more serious industry, you can still publish self-portraits, just be mindful of proper etiquette when taking and uploading images.
When taking selfies, it’s important to:
- Respect Other People – If you’re planning to take a selfie with another person, make sure to ask their permission first before clicking on the shutter button. This way, you give them time to prepare their pose and confirm that they don’t mind being in the shot.
- Prioritize Safety – Don’t have an accident trying to get a death-defying picture. Sitting on the edge of a building can make for a thrilling shot, but it’s not worth the risk. There are other creative ways to get an excellent selfie.
- Observe Proprieties – There are some places where it’s simply inappropriate to take a selfie. When visiting a museum or memorial or attending a funeral you should shut the camera off and be in the moment instead.
- Stay Modest – In general, it’s best to avoid sharing too much information on social media about your romantic life.
- Challenge Your Creativity
The close-ranged nature of selfies can serve as a challenge to your creativity. Due to the limitations to the image’s field of view, you should consider the background and angle of your pose to make the most of the shot. Selfies are a great photography option when travelling, as you can record a precious memory or snap an image in front of an iconic sight.
Rule of Thirds is a fundamental composition technique whereby an image is divided horizontally and vertically into equal thirds. Observing this rule will help you to capture a visually pleasing image with a balanced emphasis on you in the foreground and the background.
- Capture Your Progress
It can be difficult to find people to take your photo, particularly if you live alone or are traveling. Fortunately, if you have a smart phone, you can take selfies. Beyond being simple self-portraits, selfies can help you record the growth and development of your personal style. If you’re a fan of trying the hottest makeup trends, for example, taking selfies can help you monitor the styles that you’ve tried so that you can look back and evaluate which colors worked well, or which images were best received by your audience.
- Offer a New Service
Once you’ve mastered these tips, you could try your hand at teaching others how to capture the perfect selfie. Of course, you must utilize them first before you can share the knowledge with others, so it’s a good idea to become comfortable in front of the camera first.
These days, most online profile pictures are selfies. Take advantage of this phenomenon by diving into selfie photography yourself and learning to capture the best lighting. The limited area in this type of image will challenge your creativity and ultimately enhance your skills as a photographer.
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